
Friday, December 30, 2016

Rooting cuttings with a Forsythe pot - how did I not know about this?

I was scrolling through the plant propagation forum on the National Gardening Association site and stumbled across something I'd never heard of: a Forsythe pot for rooting cuttings. So I did what any good librarian gardener does: I researched it (OK, I Googled it and followed a link from the forum post). Turns out that the Forsythe pot method seems to solve the biggest problems I have with rooting cuttings:

  1. Forgetting to water them enough
  2. Solving problem 1 above by covering them with plastic, only to have them mold or rot
The Forsythe pot uses a reservoir of water in a clay pot to provide steady moisture. I haven't tried it yet (I just heard about it a few minutes ago--give me till at least noon), but it sounds promising. 

If you'd like to learn more, see the following: 
Each one recommends slight variations, so it's worth reading through all three before you create your own Forsythe pot. 

Now if only I had something to take cuttings from, but it's winter in Flagstaff. *sigh* If it weren't for winter sowing seeds, I'd be reduced to sharpening shovels. 

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